Mitoe Taira's Improvements Co., Ltd.

There’s a critical world-wide resource shortage
Raw materials costs are skyrocketing
Only innovators survive.


The pioneer of the modern surfaced as forged’ (black surface forging) waste-saving lean forging process, Mitoe Taira

When you need someone to save your forging enterprise or contract manufacturer and help you implement the world-class methods and principles that will see your production quality up, waste down, and performing at the level your business requires to both survive and thrive.

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In Liquid Assets


In Annual Sales


Value, up from Zero.
The Basics

Mitoe Taira’s Career Highlights:

Mitoe Taira’s Process Innovations

Mitoe Taira’s [Mee-toh-eh Ta-ee-rah] Taira Tanzo Inc. consistently used the least raw material in the world for their output while delivering ultra-high quality forged products to customers in the world's shortest processing time. Japanese style lean manufacturing coupled with revolutionary process innovations help Taira change the face of Forge management.

Until Mitoe Taira’s process innovations, it wasn’t possible to finish forged products to exacting size specs and required a lengthy finishing process involving a labor-intensive grinding process to size down the product to the necessary dimensions. The Mitoe Taira Process minimizes this time and resource waste and ushered us into a new era of lean Forging.

Companies Around The World Chose Taira

After taking over the company under extreme conditions, Mitoe Taira’s Taira Tanzo Inc. grew to export forged products based on massive demands from Mexico to the United States market, to Russia for the European market, to Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and Singapore, growing in leaps and bounds with every delivered final product.

Companies around the world chose Mitoe Taira’s Taira Tanzo Inc.'s forged products for these same two reasons:

"We’ve never found a forging company that can produce this quality, at this speed."

"We’ve never found a forged product that can be used with the original forged black surface (surface as forged); the end product is sublime **"

Liquid Assets $46MAnnual Sales $64M

When Mitoe Taira took over Taira Tanzo Inc., the proud traditional forging enterprise had zero in cash reserves and plans to shutter rather than burdening the next generation with a company that wasn’t profitable. After fighting for her right to keep the company going and conducting a process overhaul and implementing the Mitoe Taira Process, under Mitoe Taira, Taira Tanzo Inc. grew to have 5 billion Yen ($46 Million USD) in liquid assets, 7 billion Yen ($64 Million USD) in annual sales and had grown into a company with an 80% capital-to-asset ratio.

Sold All Shares $103+ Million USD

In June 2021, Mitoe Taira sold all her shares in Taira Tanzo Inc., to a Japanese listed corporation for more than 11.3 billion Yen ($103 Million USD), retaining all her intellectual property and process rights.

Established New Company

Mitoe Taira then established Improvements Co., Ltd. a consulting firm developed to help her bring the Mitoe Taira Process of Lean Forging to the manufacturing industry and the manufacturers in need of this process innovation.

Are you looking for professional consulting for your enterprise or forge?

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Mitoe Taira's Personal Campaign
Forging Evolution

Mitoe Taira’s Personal Campaign:

To raise the international forging industry’s industry standards

To bring ‘surfaced as forged’ (black surface forging) innovation to the entire forging industry and to promote production process and management improvements leading to less waste and shorter production times as she rolls out the Mitoe Taira Process industry-wide and establishes a new standard of forge management.

Kaizen + You

Improvements Co., Ltd.’s Mission.

Ⅰ. Innovative next-gen forging process consulting

Ⅱ. Forge management consulting

Many business and management consultants and consulting firms have little real business experience, a paper MBA, and can only recommend cost cutting measures like massive layoffs and outsourcing to cheaper, undermanaged manufacturing overseas often resulting in a noticeable drop in employee motivation, quality, and growth.

Mitoe Taira’s Improvements Co., Ltd.’s mission is to best advise your enterprise on how to adapt your current infrastructure to bring it to peak performance, based on maximizing your hard and soft assets.

As a tried-and-tested Forging expert, Improvements Co., Ltd. will analyze your current issues and advise you on the shortest, most effective route to becoming a ‘surfaced as forged’ (black surface forging) forge including advising on forging machinery, dies, based on their original know-how.

Taira and Improvements Co., Ltd.’s individual brand of Kaizen will also examine your human resources and greatly improve their production output using our methods that identify and solve production bottlenecks without expensive manpower outlays.

We can also achieve these results with your China-based production and facilities. We have those successes under our belt.

Mitoe Taira literally wrote the book on modern forge management

Utilizing her experience and wanting to share her revolutionary process reformations with the industry, published by Diamond Printing, Mitoe Taira’s self-penned book [Why could this president sell a company worth nothing for 10 billion yen ($91 Million USD)?], which achieved first place sales in the Operations / Practical Management Leadership category on Amazon Japan, and place sales 12th overall.

Mitoe Taira tours and lectures across Japan answering upper management and leadership questions about business management and about the book, and the Mitoe Taira Process of forging.

Improvements Co., Ltd. Production Consulting:

The Mitoe Taira Process’ 5 Major Production Innovations:

1) Surfaced As Forged

Surfaced as forged’ steel (black surface steel) as a finished product, a high production technology, rare in the industry

2) Massive ‘Finished Weight’* Advancements

Using the Mitoe Taira Process the material yield rate* is extremely high, resulting in far less raw material usage.

Example using a 100 Kg final product:


The Mitoe Taira Process:

Final product: 100 kg / 120 kg
(*The final product weight / materials used)


Other vendors:

Final product 100 kg / 180 kg
(*The final product weight / materials used)

*This is the ratio of the output quantity to the raw materials and ingredients used in production. First pass yield (FPY), also known as throughput yield (TPY). With the current cost of raw materials skyrocketing, less loss is an absolute necessity to keeping the product and end products affordable.

3) SIGNIFICANT Savings In Time

The more precise output that we get from this process means a SIGNIFICANT savings in time / man hours spent on the finishing processes. Over 90% of the entire process can be automated.

4) Rapid Production

Achieves non-stop, rapid production by eliminating bottlenecks on the production line.

5) High Profits

The non-stop production with no bottlenecks and the high quality of finish means profits are high, cashflow is good, and you can achieve debt-free management of your business.

Mitoe Taira's Successful Action Plans

Successful Action Plans

As just one example of her many successes, Taira increased employee output by 300%

In a down economy, balancing keeping skilled labor, a lean labor force, and meeting production demands without paying overtime can be brutally difficult. But by training the existing staff in multiple skill sets, the workforce could be shifted fluidly between tasks as needed by production demands resulting in 3 times the production output without making extra hires or paying overtime wages.

Action plan:

Turn single skill workers into multi-skilled workers to eliminate the load on the production line by utilizing focused staff training.

Time period:

Shortly after the Lehman Shock (as the American Sub-prime scandal and subsequent world recession of 2008 is called in Japan.)


Mitoe Taira, The Person:


Taira Tanzo Inc. was founded in 1968 by her father, an old school Japanese forging craftsman with unmatched artisanal forging skills but a strong distrust of automation, and not a great affinity for numbers.

In the 2000s, Taira Tanzo Inc. was going under because it hadn’t kept up with the times and couldn’t produce the volume and quality of output at the price the market was demanding. In need of a cash influx, they went to financial institutions looking for a bail-out but were rejected as having "zero value" and deemed unworthy of loans. With zero customers and no financial backing, Mitoe Taira took over the troubled company with a forge full of people relying on their salaries to support their families in July 2009 and rebooted both Taira Tanzo Inc., and the entire forging industry as well.

In addition to improving work efficiency by thoroughly reducing raw material waste, by introducing automation and bringing it to a 90% automation rate, using original analysis and know-how and ultimately achieving high quality stable processing speeds by training single task personnel and turning them into high functioning multi-skilled workers, she increased output by 3 times the volume without and extra hires or paying overtime.

Her innovations brought about industry record finishing times transforming Taira Tanzo Inc. into a company that delivered forged products to customers around the world, and thus achieving debt-free operations.

Mitoe Taira's Out-of-the-box Approach

As part of her “out-of-the-box” approach to repurposing existing assets, Taira then installed solar panels on the unused land around the forge. With an investment of 2.4 billion yen, Mitoe Taira’s Taira Tanzo Inc. realized a 300 million yen per year profit from the solar power generation.

In the space of a few years, Mitoe Taira took Taira Tanzo Inc. from being a company on the brink of closing with zero liquid assets to a company with over 5 billion yen in the bank, or over three solid years of running costs on hand, prepared for anything that the economy might bring.

After securing the future for the second-generation company, Mitoe Taira set her next goal, which was to focus on the entire industry and sold her holdings in Taira Tanzo Inc. for more than 11.3 billion Yen ($103 Million USD), retaining all her intellectual property and process rights.

On a personal level:

Tenacious and trustworthy, Mitoe Taira believes in keeping her word.

Business takes money, talent, and trust and because of her policy of always keeping her word, she’s even highly respected and deeply trusted by the China-based forges she worked and has ties with now.

Speaking of China, Mitoe Taira is one of a small handful of industry professionals who has earned the trust and respect of high-level Chinese forging enterprises and has been able to set up and innovate the process lines there for enterprises moving production to China with a 100% success rate. She's put in the time, and has the respect of the connections she's build up while being a forge expert.

She also believes actions speak louder than words, and that earning money is more than just becoming rich, but about how you can help others with the money you’ve earned.

In the 10 years following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, she donated over 120 million Yen ($1 million USD), and donates over 2 million yen annually to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) . Upon selling Taira Tanzo Inc., Mitoe Taira donated 100 million yen to Hakui City for an educational fund.

Extremely moved by the Tohoku earthquake, Mitoe learned there were close to 800 orphans and injured left from the tragic catastrophe. Moved by the sheer scale of this unprecedented tragedy, Mitoe contacted Tohoku University and funded a psychological aftercare program with the university to help the orphaned children whose lives were destroyed by the earthquake and subsequent disasters.

At this very time, the global recession, a too strong and uncompetitive yen, and global demand was down, and she was still digging Taira Tanzo Inc. out of the precarious situation her predecessor had left the company in, and extra funds were tight.

But her personal commitment to the victims of the catastrophic event and knowing that even with the business issues they were facing, how much better of she was than the people who really needed help, and she never wavered from her commitment to people whose entire lives and livelihoods had been so tragically stolen.

Mitoe strongly believes that hard honest work is a positive driving force. The fact that her hard work can benefit not only her, but her enterprise, her customers, the industry and those she can give aid to helped motivate her to rebuild Taira Tanzo Inc. from zero to a company that set global forging standards, and helps keep her passionate about changing the face of the industry for better.
Mitoe Taira's Improvements Co., Ltd. was formed to bring about innovation and improvement to the forging industry.